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How & Why to do End of Year Evaluations in Your HomeschoolIt’s the end of the school year and you’re probably ready for a break. But wait! Give a gift to your future self by taking a little bit of time to reflect on how the school year has gone, and to help form some organized ideas about what will best serve you and your kiddos in the year to come!  Listen in as I explain the How and Why of End of Year Evaluations for your homeschool.  (jump the video up to 3:56 to avoid having to listen to my technical difficulties.  And please ignore whatever that is that was going on with my hair.  lawsy.)


As I mentioned in the video, I’d like to eventually create a printable to help walk you through the steps to doing a really effective evaluation. Until that happens here are some notes to help you get started:

Questions to ask yourself.  Points to ponder:

    1.  The overall school year.  How did it go?  What was the general mood and mindset about the materials?  
    2. Consider each individual child.  What growth did you see?  What needs do you observe?  Where did they really thrive?  Where did they struggle?  Ask them for their feedback as well.
    3. You!  How did you feel about the school year?  What were the positives and negatives for you?  Are you getting the things you need?
    4. Your husband.  What are his observations?  What is he seeing going well?  What concerns does he have?
    5. Percolate.  Let the information sit for awhile and just digest.  You want to leave room for clarity and inspiration before you go any farther.
    6. Brainstorm about possible solutions, things you’d like to add/subtract from next school year.
    7. Percolate some more.  You don’t need to buy stuff before you’re ready.  Give yourself space to find the best fit.  

Other talks I referred to in this video:

Tips to Avoid the Winter Blues in Your Homeschool

Identifying and Overcoming Disempowerment as a Homeschool Mom

Feel like the wheels are coming off your homeschool?  Here’s what to do.

