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Omnibus 2016 Homeschool Sale

Homeschool moms love the Omnibus sale, and it’s no wonder! This once-a-year sale brings home educators a huge bunch of encouragement, training, and resources that will help you with so many aspects of your life.

If you love to listen to audios while you go for a walk, nurse the baby, or run on the treadmill, this bundle sale is a perfect fit for you, because there are over 40 (!!!) MP3 audios included in this bundle that will help you with topics such as

* homeschooling high schoolers
* special needs kids
* upper level math
* marriage
* teaching music
* project-based learning
* behavior issues (yours and your kids! ha!)
* geography, science, living math
* Charlotte Mason homeschooling
* teen entrepreneurship
* and many more!

There are also lots of other types of resources included in the bundle that will help you from preschool through high school, and everything in between.


