Enrichment Studies Logo

Art Appreciation graphic
Art Appreciation:  It’s one of those things we want to do, in an ideal world.  But in reality, it doesn’t often happen.


Enter:  Fine Art Pages! This is the easiest way to introduce your kids to fine art, without taking up instruction time or needing to plan.  We’ve already curated fine art that we think parents and kids will find interesting, enjoyable, and thought-provoking.  All you have to do is print ’em out, put ’em up, and let nature take its course.

Giveaway details:

3 winners

Each winner gets to choose the Fine Art Pages collection of their choice ($4.00-14.95 value)

To enter, simply leave a comment telling me which collection you would be most interested in winning! (Check them out here) Be sure to enter your email in the comment form so I can contact you if you are a winner.

Winners will be chosen tomorrow and will be announced on the blog plus contacted personally by me.

**Comments are now closed.  Winners are Cassie, Jennifer, and Keri.
