Enrichment Studies Logo

Do you know about Educents? It’s a *hot deals* kind of place for homeschoolers! They’ve got a lot of specially-priced products running all the time, so it’s a great place to look for bargains, but now they are getting EVEN BETTER because they are launching their new Marketplace!

What is it?

The Educents Marketplace now allows homeschool businesses to showcase their wares on storefronts at Educents, which means that Educents has become a pretty convenient place to shop for a bunch of your curriculum needs at once!  I’ve even set up a storefront over there!

Educents giveaway

To celebrate this cool new venture, several of the sellers are joining together to share some sneak peek FREEBIES, plus are hosting a giveaway for $50 in Educents credit! That’ll help you get a few things, right?!

You can enter this giveaway right here:

Educents Marketplace $50 in Edubucks Giveaway #8 – 3rd & 4th Grade Stores

Please visit my Educents store, give it a Like by clicking the heart, and help yourself to my free product, if you haven’t already!

You can also hop around to a bunch of the new storefronts and see what they are offering for free!
