Enrichment Studies Logo

Let’s Party!

facebook party

Click here to sign up!

Hey kids!

We’re gonna shake off the winter blues together by having a big, fat Facebook Party in February!  Our Facebook parties have been super, SUPER fun in the past, and I’m aiming to make this one even better.  We’ll have lots of freebies, giveaways, fun, music, and more, so you need to be there!

More details will be coming in the next few weeks, but for right now you can sign up here to get updates so you don’t miss it!  (because that would really stink)

Facebook Party Freebie: The Joy of Motherhood Fine Art Pages

Joy of Motherhood Fine Art PagesI wanted to have something extra special to give all of you tonite to thank you for coming to my party, so I pushed myself to finish up this sweet new Fine Art Pages collection that celebrates motherhood.    You can get this collection totally free tonite by using coupon code PARTYFAVOR at checkout.  The coupon will work tonite and tomorrow only, so go ahead and get it fast!


This collection is the first item on the Art Appreciation page here.  Enjoy!

Facebook Party Giveaway: The Writer’s Jungle

Affiliate links are used in this post.
Brave Writer

I make no secret of being a super fangirl of Julie Sweeney and Brave Writer, and I love to tell people about all things Brave Writer and Julie, because I think it all rocks bigtime.


Not familiar with Brave Writer?  Well, it’s a wonderful, empowering, life-giving approach to writing, homeschooling, parenting, and life.  That’s all.  No bigs.  😉  Seriously.  If you are struggling with kids that are reluctant writers, or writing programs that aren’t working for you, or homeschooling in general, just get on over to their site, go Like their Facebook page, and sign up for the newsletters.  There is SO. Much. Good. Stuff. for you there.  Honest.  Seriously.  Like, if I could only recommend one thing to every homeschool mom on earth, it would be to go read everything Julie ever wrote on her blog.  And I don’t get one penny for telling you this.  So, seriously.  Go check it out and be blessed.  


1.  FREE for all:  You can get Julie’s free ebook”Help Your Kids Fall in Love with Writing!” when you  sign up for her Daily Writing Tip e-newsletter.  You can also sign up to get Julie’s ebook Freewriting Frenzy here.  Another great resource for you!


2.  GIVEAWAY:  One lucky winner will receive a downloadable copy of The Writer’s Jungle!  ($79 value!)  The Writer’s Jungle is designed to teach the homeschooling parent how to teach writing, and is the centerpiece of the Brave Writer program.  

Giveaway details:

1 winner

Winner gets a digital copy of The Writer’s Jungle.  ($79 value)

To enter, simply leave a comment telling me one thing that your kids love or struggle with about writing. Be sure to enter your email in the comment form so I can contact you if you are a winner.

Winner will be chosen by 11:59pm on July 24 and will be announced on this blog post plus contacted personally by me.


Check out our new layout!

Emily DickinsonFor quite some time now I’ve been aware that the layout of our resource pages could stand to be a little easier on the eyes. Yes, the content is GREAT, but wouldn’t it be nice if it was also visually pleasing?


Well, I’ve been thinking about this, and recently got to work on it while putting together our Emily Dickinson page (because YES! we are working on  poet study collections too!  Should be ready in August!).


Want a peek?  Come see what I’ve done.  Over the next few months I’ll be working my way through every resource page, converting it over to this beautiful new layout, PLUS I have a user guide/suggested schedule that I’m working on for you as well!  So, basically there will be two BIG upgrades coming to all collections this year!  This will be at no extra cost to you, it will just make everything that we have better than ever.


What do you think?  Do you have any suggestions that could make it even better?  I’d love to hear your ideas.

Facebook Party Giveaway: The Whole Shebang!

Come on back to the party after you enter to win!

facebook party
Here is a giveaway that I suspect you will be excited about.  One lucky winner is going to win THE WHOLE SHEBANG!




What is it?  Every single collection we offer!  

ALL the Composer Study!

All the Artist Study!

All the Fine Art Pages!

All the Jazz!


That’s right!  Over $370 value!

Giveaway details:

1 winner

Winner receives access to all of our current collections!

To enter, simply leave a comment telling me which collection you will want to use with your kids first.  Be sure to enter your email in the comment form so I can contact you if you are a winner.

Winner will be chosen by 11:59pm July 24 and will be announced on the blog plus contacted personally by me.

**Comments are now closed.  Cassie B. is the winner of this giveaway!

Facebook Party Giveaway: U.S. Presidents

Come on back to the party after you enter to win!
U.S. Presidents finished graphic

Learn about the fascinating men that helped form our government!

We currently have two presidents collections, covering the first 12 presidents. There is so much interesting information here!

Whether you use this in conjunction with a history curriculum or independently, you will learn a lot and gain a wider understanding of how our nation was formed, and its early leadership and challenges.


Giveaway details:

3 winners

Each winner gets access to the Presidents collection of their choice ($14.95 value)

To enter, simply leave a comment telling me which president you are most interested in learning about, and why! (Check them out here) Be sure to enter your email in the comment form so I can contact you if you are a winner.

Winners will be chosen by 11:59pm on July 24 and will be announced on the blog plus contacted personally by me.


**Comments are now closed.  Winners are Ambre, Heather, and Suzanne.
