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Facebook Party Giveaway: Fine Art Pages

Art Appreciation graphic
Art Appreciation:  It’s one of those things we want to do, in an ideal world.  But in reality, it doesn’t often happen.


Enter:  Fine Art Pages! This is the easiest way to introduce your kids to fine art, without taking up instruction time or needing to plan.  We’ve already curated fine art that we think parents and kids will find interesting, enjoyable, and thought-provoking.  All you have to do is print ’em out, put ’em up, and let nature take its course.

Giveaway details:

3 winners

Each winner gets to choose the Fine Art Pages collection of their choice ($4.00-14.95 value)

To enter, simply leave a comment telling me which collection you would be most interested in winning! (Check them out here) Be sure to enter your email in the comment form so I can contact you if you are a winner.

Winners will be chosen tomorrow and will be announced on the blog plus contacted personally by me.

**Comments are now closed.  Winners are Cassie, Jennifer, and Keri.

Facebook Party Giveaway: Artist Study

Artist StudyOur Artist Study collections are easy to use and so engaging, without requiring a lot of Mom Power to make it “go.”
All of our Artist Study collections are now organized into chronological order, making it easy for you to select what coordinates with the time period you are studying.
Giveaway details:

3 winners

Each winner gets to choose the ArtistStudy collection of their choice ($14.95 value)

To enter, simply leave a comment telling me which collection you would be most interested in winning!  (Check them out here)  Be sure to enter your email in the comment form so I can contact you if you are a winner.

Winners will be chosen tomorrow and will be announced on the blog plus contacted personally by me.


**Comments are now closed.  Winners are Tamara, Michelle W., and Karon.

Facebook Party Giveaway: Composer Study

Composer Study
Composer Study was the very first thing we offered, back when we first began Classical Composers Monthly.  Though our product offerings have expanded, parents continue to appreciate having easy-to-use resources that bring that extra oomph of goodness into their homeschool.  🙂


All of our composer study collections have been reorganized into chronological order, to make it easier for you to choose collections that match up with whatever time period you are studying.

Giveaway details:

3 winners

Each winner gets to choose the Composer Study collection of their choice ($14.95 value)

To enter, simply leave a comment telling me which collection you would be most interested in winning!  (Check them out here) Be sure to enter your email in the comment form so I can contact you if you are a winner.

Winners will be chosen around noon tomorrow and will be announced on the blog plus contacted personally by me.

**Comments are now closed.  Winners are Cara R., Amy, and Carrie.

Facebook Party Giveaway #1: Freebies

Party time
Hey everybody!
Welcome to the Facebook party! I’m Erica Johns, owner of Enrichment Studies, and I am so glad that you could be here tonite.


We are going to have a bunch of giveaways to tell you about during the party, PLUS we are doing to have a huge Grand Finale prize, AND a totally FREE product that every single one of you can get tonite!


I’ve got an important tip for you in handling all the fast action and fun that happens at one of these events.  Set yourself up with one tab or window set to the Enrichment Studies Facebook Page, and set the other up at the Enrichment Studies Blog.  That way you can more easily hop back and forth between the two.  🙂


Sound good?


For our first giveaway, I want to give each of you a set of freebies that I’ve put together.  It includes a Handel composer resource, Monet artist resource, Duke Ellington jazz composer resource, Archimedes scientist/inventor resource, and more!  Simply sign up below and I’ll send it all to you so you can check it out later.  🙂  I’ll also be able to stay in touch with you later on, so you’ll know when we have new products, more freebies, and great sales!

Once you’re done signing up for the freebies, head back over to the Facebook Party so you can find out what’s next, and win some prizes!

