Enrichment Studies Logo

Don’t forget to come on back to the party after you enter this giveaway!

Composer Study
Composer Study is probably the product we are most known for.  Back when we began Classical Composers Monthly, it was the only thing we offered!  🙂



All of our composer study collections have been reorganized into chronological order, to make it easier for you to choose collections that match up with whatever time period you are studying.  This fall we will be upgrading all of the composer resources (and all other resources) with a beautiful new visual layout that will make your composer studies even easier and more pleasant to use!

Giveaway details:

3 winners

Each winner gets to choose the Composer Study collection of their choice ($14.95 value)

To enter, simply leave a comment telling me which collection you would be most interested in winning!  (Check them out here) Be sure to enter your email in the comment form so I can contact you if you are a winner.

Winners will be chosen by 11:59pm July 24 and will be announced on the blog plus contacted personally by me.



**Comments are now closed.  Winners are Rebekah, Theresa, and Christy.
