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Great Scientists branded graphic
Your curious kids will love this collection full of fascinating people that will astound and inspire them! These areĀ great as a stand-alone supplement for your kids that need or want more to learn about scientists, or while used in conjunction with your regular science curriculum. Each resource has a good amount of quality videos, too, which are helpful for pre-readers as well as dyslexic kids and others that struggle with reading. We have found these resources invaluable for quick, safe research for papers and projects as well!


Giveaway details:

3 winners

Each winner gets access toĀ the Great Scientists collection($14.95 value)

To enter, simply leave a comment telling me which scientist you are most interested in learning about, and why! (Check them out here) Be sure to enter your email in the comment form so I can contact you if you are a winner.

Winners will be chosen by 11:59pm on July 24Ā and will be announced on the blog plus contacted personally by me.



**Comments are now closed. Ā Winners for this giveaway are Laura W., Tammy C., and Ellen.
